Trendy Style跳浩室
第一階 小班制 基礎舞蹈訓練 線上課程
- 課程時間 : 每週三,週日 晚上八點到十點
- 費用 : 每堂兩小時 400元 ,一次購課十堂優惠3500元
- 課程辦法 : 每期十堂,隨時可加入,每班二十人小班制
- 如何聽出浩室的節奏點
- 基礎體位及姿態
- 節奏感與肢體
- 有氧浩室輕鬆瘦身
- 漂亮的動作與表達
- 手部的舞蹈動作
- trendy style和街舞結合的時尚舞步
- 性感與動感的組合舞步
- 如何在音樂中即興跳出令人驚豔的舞步
- 如何用trendy 表演以house舞曲為主的舞蹈
- 創意運用於 trendy style舞蹈
- 舞王舞后舞池焦點的特訓
報名方式:第一堂於 八月18日(週三)晚間8點開始
報名電話 0910108928葉凱曦學姐
Trendy style跳浩室舞蹈課第一輪由 藍米克 及巴西名模Isabel開始双語教學,歡迎英文使用者加入
Latest Dance Course
Trendy Style House Dance
First Stage
Small Class System /Basic Dance Training /Online Course
Class schedule
Every Wednesday and Sunday / from 8pm to 10pm
NT $400 per two hours/ NT$ 3500 for ten lessons (only if pay at one time)
How to join
You can join the course any time.
The next course will be held every ten classes.
Small class of 20 people.
Course Outline
- How to distinguish the rhythm of House
- Basic postures
- Rhythm and body
- Aerobic House makes it easy to lose weight
- Beautiful movements and expressions
- Movements of hands
- Trendy style hip-hop dance steps
- Sexy and dynamic dance steps
- Flaunt amazing dance steps
- House dance moves
- Trendy free style dancing
- Special training for the focal point of the dancing queens and dancing kings
The first round of “Trendy Style House Dance” will begin with LAMECH and the Brazilian supermodel ISABEL.
WE welcome Global villagers to join us! Dance and English are our common language.
For the latest course information please join the link below:
first class start on Wednesday August 18, 8pm
once you sign up for 10 classes ,you’ll receive a FREE “Wellcome Class” held on Saturday, August 14